I have to brag about this recipe: it has taken me back to my childhood. I have found this hungarian recipe and I tried it out. I converted the ingredients and I also put my own twist to it. I also copied the picture; I just don't seem to be very good with the camera lately. Did I say that I LOVE This Recipe!!!! Enough said, :D
- 1 pound animal crackers
- 10 oz water or milk
- 1 cup sugar
- 1/4 cup cocoa
- 1- 1/4 cup butter
- 1/2 cup nuts (or a bit more)
- 1/2 cup turkish delight (or a bit more
- Rum extract (you can find it at European stores; Rum Aroma)
- (you could also put raisins instead of the turkish delight, I never made it woth raisins, but others have)
Mix togerhter the milk, sugar, and cocoa; bring it to boil. Add the butter and boil till the butter is melted. Add the crackers, the nuts, the turkish delight, and the rum extract. The nuts and the turkish delight are optional, but I don't think they taste as good without it.
Roll it into 2 roulades and place them, one at a time, on a clear plastic wrap. Roll them up tightly. Refrigarate for at least one hour.
And this is the original recipe in Hungarian; I want to keep it for future reference. I modified it a little bit to make it just as I remember it growing up. :D
Hozzávalók: 50 dkg háztartási keksz tördelve (fele porrá törve, fele darabosra törve), 3 dl víz vagy tej, 20 cukor, 4 dkg kakaó, 25 dkg margarin (vagy vaj), 10 dkg mazsola vagy dió, rumaroma ízlés szerint
Elkészítése: A tejet a cukorral és a kakaóval elkavarjuk és felforraljuk, hozzáadjuk a margarint és felolvasztjuk. Végül hozzákavarjuk a kekszet és a mazsolát. Egy fóliát kiterítünk és a masszából kis rúdnyi (két rúd lesz ebből a masszából) formát alakítunk és szorosan feltekerjük. Néhány órára hideg helyre rakjuk, majd tálaláskor szépen szeleteljük.